Significant Issues and Stakeholders

The identification of Asia Cement Sustainable issues includes both internal and external.

The external issuesThe internal issues
  • Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
  • ISO 26000
  • GRI Standards 2021
  • GRI Guidelines on Mining and Metal Sector
  • SASB Building Material Industry Disclosure Standards
  • Sustainable issues of Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA)
  • Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) Index
  • Communication Process and Opinions Feedback from Stakeholders
  • Topics Legally Regulated by Financial Authority
  • Guidelines on local and foreign ESG Awards
  • CDP Projects
  • S&P Corporate Sustainability Assessment
  • The Funding Spirit of Asia Cement
  • Sustainable Development Policies of Asia Cement
  • Sustainable Development Strategy of Asia Cement
  • Key Performance Indexes of Asia Cement (KPIs)
  • Regulations and Systems of Asia Cement

Referring to the five-aspects specified in AA 1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (2015), Corporate Sustainability Committee evaluates stakeholders’ materiality to Asia Cement, including dependency, responsibility, tension, influence, and diverse perspectives. The top 5 categories of stakeholders are identified after the weighted evaluation: employees, investors/shareholders, customers, local communities and aboriginal people and partners.

Double Materiality Assessment and Confirmation of Material Topics

According to the Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the principle of dual materiality, impact assessments are conducted considering both organizational impacts (external aspect; the organization’s activities’ impact on the world) and sustainability impacts (internal aspect; financial impacts of sustainability topics on the organization). In the assessment of “organizational impacts”, each topic is evaluated based on its impact on the economy (revenue), the environment and communities (human rights), and stakeholders. In the assessment of “sustainability impacts”, each topic is evaluated based on its direct financial impact on the organization. Material topics are defined as those where both organizational and sustainability impacts are rated 2.9 or higher.In 2023, there are a total of 9 positive and 10 negative topics, making a total of 19 material topics.


Confirming And Reviewing The Completeness Of Material Topics

Corporate Sustainability Committee, supervised by the Board of Directors, is Asia Cement’s decision making center for promoting sustainable governance. General Manager acts as the Chairman of Corporate Sustainability Implementation Committee who is responsible for the approval of ESG annual plans and the supervision of ESG implementation results. He reports to Corporate Sustainability Committee and Board of Directors every six months. Through the routine team meetings and reports, all task forces in the Promotion Committee review and report the influences of various issues to the Company and the corresponding methods in order to promote and reach the vision of the Company’s sustainable goals.The report will be issued after external assurance and review by the Board of Directors.


The engagement mechanism for the status of communicating with stakeholders

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