Following the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), ACC has established a natural governance framework for biodiversity. The Board of Directors formed the Corporate Sustainability Implementation Committee to oversee biodiversity development. Under the CEO, the Corporate Sustainability Implementation Committee was established to assess biodiversity risks and opportunities, plan and execute biodiversity-related initiatives, and report regularly to the Corporate Sustainability Committee on implementation results.

Biodiversity Policy

The goal of ACC's biodiversity policy aims to achieve a Net Positive Impact on biodiversity. Within the scope of corporate efforts, we implement practices such as "avoid," "reduce," "restore," and "off-site compensation", and "monitoring". By collaborating with value chain partners, ACC commits to the following principles and guidelines.

  1. Conduct Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) before establishing new extraction sites.
  2. Develop quarry environmental maintenance plans and closure plans for all limestone extraction sites. Implement reclamation, rehabilitation and disaster prevention measures on mined land after its use, in accordance with the relevant regulations.
  3. Undertake biodiversity risk assessments following the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) guidelines.
  4. Establish a Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) for extraction sites with high biodiversity value. Simultaneously conduct ecological restoration during extraction activities, enhancing biodiversity value through nature-based solutions. Annually disclose rehabilitation areas and other biodiversity information in accordance with relevant guidelines provided by Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA).
  5. Commit to no deforestation, strictly adhere to local regulations, limit extraction to permissible areas and ensure 100% no logging outside regulated areas to prevent damage to pristine forests.
  6. Introduce circular economy principles in the cement production process, utilizing practices such as alternative fuels, raw materials, waste heat power generation, green energy development and carbon capture technologies to reduce natural resource consumption and minimize negative impacts on environmental ecology and biodiversity.


Impact Assessment and Stakeholder Engagement

The extraction of minerals for the use of cement raw material is more or less causing bare areas on the surface of earth. In order to reduce the impacts of the vibration from the explosion during mining to the nearby residents and the environment, Asia Cement continues to strictly implement the monitoring of mining site safety and the ecological restoration of environment. All efforts are for the purpose of minimizing the impacts from the operation. 

In the future, in the event that Asia Cement will plan mining operations in other new locations, it will perform the evaluations of biodiversity and environmental impacts before exploring new locations.

Asia Cement Service Ceneter regularly and irregularly communicates and interacts with the stakeholders based on the stakeholder engagement mechanism and discloses the information in the Service Center, the Sustainability Report, the relevant platform or the website.

The costs invested into the sustainable mining mountain 

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