Asia Cement's employees are our most important assets, thus, we periodically increase salaries to retain talents and to fulfill corporate social responsibility. Asia Cement has created a happy and high-pay workplace in Taiwan.
Systemized the remuneration to employees, net earning before tax 0.1~4%.
- Value chain: All Site.
- Short-mid-long term goals (2025, 2030, 2035): Employee benefit reached 0.1-4% of net profit before tax.
- Actual results in 2023: Employee remuneration reached 1.28% of net earnings before tax.
Strategies of sustainability: Continuously increasing employee satisfaction.
- Value chain: All Site.
- Short-mid-long term goals(2025, 2030, 2035): All items of satisfaction level over 70%.
- Actual results in 2023: 73.1% averaged satisfaction.
Practicing human right policy, ban the use of child labor and forced labor.
- Value chain: All Site.
- Short-mid-long term goals (2025, 2030, 2035):
Completing 100% evaluation of suppliers or subsidiaries.
Ban the use of child labor and forced labor - Actual results in 2023: Completed Company internal human rights investigation Not any child labor hired, not any forced Labor.
Talent attraction and retention.
- Value chain: All Site.
- Short-mid-long term goals (2023, 2025, 2030): Voluntary turnover rate not higher than 5%.
- Actual results in 2023: Voluntary turnover rate 3%.
Freedom of assembly
- Value chain: All Site.
- Short-mid-long term goals (2023, 2025, 2030): 100% Union Signing Rate of Group Agreements.
- Actual results in 2023: 100% Union Signing Rate of Group Agreements.