Mining Mountain Sustainability and Land Reuse Planning

Asia Cement has committed to comply with the third recommended point stated in the “Report of the investigation conducted by Executive Yuan on the fact of leasing indigenous land by Asia Cement Corporation Hsinchensheng Mining Site”, that is, after the completion of using the mining land, In addition to government-approved soil and water conservation measures, we've collaborated with local stakeholders to propose a mine site transformation plan. This will create 20 hectares of flat land for secondary use in the future.

Biodiversity Risk Assessment

In accordance with Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT), Asia Cement’s scope of biodiversity risk assessment covers the business operation and nearby areas. The procedure of biodiversity risk management includes risks and opportunities identification and evaluation, financial impact analysis and significant risks and opportunities, the corresponding measures and cost estimate.

  • Significant risk: Physical risk-the negative impact to natural ecological system
  • Significant opportunities: The protection, restoration and regeneration of eco-system


Community Engagement Programs and Consultation

For the purpose of rsolving the worries of local community to the safety of Asia Cement mining mountain and fulfilling the care to local residents, Asia Cement officially established a service center near the mining mountain in June of 2018. Hence, residents are not required to go through other people for any doubts or needs, they can directly contact with Asia Cement, timely and conveniently ask any questions relating to the safety of mining mountain.

The specialists of Asia Cement also make arragements to visit households, so that the residents who can not conveniently access the service center can timely communicate with and receive services from it for any needs.